Foster with us

Stoke-on-Trent City Council is asking people to think about fostering, because many children need a home, and some are far away from their families. You can help make a big difference and bring a child back to Stoke-on-Trent. 

The city council is looking for people who want to make a difference to a child’s life. By becoming a foster carer you can make a significant impact on a child’s life and bring positive changes that every child needs. Becoming a foster carer is challenging but incredibly rewarding. As a community, our vision is to support children to remain in Stoke on Trent and be provided with a stable and safe home environment so that they can grow.  

As a local authority, we know that fostering comes with many challenges however we are committed in taking the journey of fostering with you. As a foster carer you can earn up to £39k alongside receiving initial and ongoing specialist training to support your career as a foster carer. You will also have the support of an allocated social worker as well as access to the whole of the fostering service. 

 There are lots of different types of foster care placements, each unique but all of them can make a significant contribution to a child. They can range from just a night or two with others that can be for a little while longer. No matter how often a person can foster - emergencies only, weekends or short term, foster carers are immensely needed. A little help makes a big difference to a child.  

Start your application today