LMS Guidance

Please be mindful that bookings will close 1 week prior to the session taking place, so please book onto any training you would like to complete as soon as possible. Please be mindful of any upcoming bank holidays as this may mean we need to close some sessions sooner so we can process these sessions.
Just as a reminder to access LMS you will need:

  • Your unique identifier which is a p number (the p needs to be lowercase) or a 60 number (Your Supervising Social Worker can provide this to you if needed)
  • Your password initially will be Learning@1 – and you will then be prompted to change this. If you have forgotten your password, you can contact learning to reset this.

A user guide for the system - Fostering Learning Management System (LMS) Guide

A direct link to the system is - City of Stoke-on-Trent Learning Hub: Log in to the site

You can contact the Learning team with any queries via email Learning@stoke.gov.uk or call 01782 235300

Published: 5th December 2024